
Assuring the Quality of Health Care in the European Union

Managing the Quality of Health Care in Developing Countries

Sustaining quality health care under cost containment

Health care quality : how does the United States compare with other countries on cancer survival and access to bone marrow transplantation?

Quality Health Services for Hispanics

Health Care Quality Management

Quality research for quality health care

Medical Informatics 20/20: Quality and Electronic Health Records Through Collaboration, Open Solutions, and Innovation

Assessing the Quality of Cancer Care:

Crossing the Quality Chasm

Quality Initiatives Undertaken by the Veterans Health Administration

Restoring Quality Health Care

Managing Health Organizations for Quality and Performance

Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care

Gasoline markets special gasoline blends reduce emissions and improve air quality, but complicate supply and contribute to higher prices : report to congressional requesters.

Parkinson's Disease and Quality of Life

Improving the quality of health care

Sense of Place, Health and Quality of Life

Monitoring the Quality of Health Care

Challenge and potential for assuring quality health care for the 21st century