The Private Sector as a Catalyst for Health Equity and a Vibrant Economy
By:"Roundtable on the Promotion of Health Equity and the Elimination of Health Disparities","Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice","Health and Medicine Division","National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine"
Published on 2016-09-24 by National Academies Press
A critical component of the nation’s economic vitality is ensuring that all Americans can contribute and prosper. Such contributions presuppose an intentional focus on achieving the highest levels of health possible, which requires that conditions in communities, schools workplaces, and other settings promote health and address the social determinants of health for all community members. Many organizations, in both the private and public sectors, have been establishing partnerships to further healthy workplaces and health equity in general. Many are taking the lead in producing economic growth that is inclusive and responsive to the nation’s diverse needs and populations. Increasingly, privateâ€\
This Book was ranked 18 by Google Books for keyword health equity.
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